时间: 2021-07-07 12:26:02 | 作者:在下宋凡 | 来源: 喜蛋文章网 | 编辑: admin | 阅读: 111次
"Miss Yu" by Li, Yu
春花秋月 何时了 When would autumns finish, Taking flowers, 往事知多少 Much about those sweetest hours? 小楼昨夜 又东风 And yet this spring again Arrives this soon, 故国不堪 回首月明中 Except my home been gone, To now exist inside the moon. 雕栏玉砌 应犹在 Palaces remained fine, Sitting lonely, 只是朱颜改 Save my face alone aged, only! 问君能有 几多愁 My grievance overwhelms, How much to hold? 恰似一江 春水向东流。 Like water running east, Eternally immense, untold.