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时间: 2022-02-03 08:00:00 | 来源: 喜蛋文章网 | 编辑: admin | 阅读: 101次



中译英rn1、学生应该充分利用大学四年时间努力学习。rnStudents should make good use of their four years at college to study hard.rn2、在传统课堂上,教师通常会告诉学生该做些什么。rnIn the traditional classroom, the teacher tells the students what to do most of the time.rn3、社会要求每个成年人对自己的行为负责。rnSociety expects every adult to be responsible for their behaviour.rn4、这些学生也许还不习惯于用英语表达自己的想法。rnThese students may have problems getting used to expressing their ideas in English.rn5、到了第三个星期,我已经和全班同学建立了良好的关系。rnBy the third week, I had forged close relationships with all the classmates.rn6、在中国春节(Spring Festival)是最喜庆的节日。rnThe Spring Festival is the most festive time in China.rn7、孩子们热切地盼望着儿童节的到来,因为每年的这个时候他们最快乐。rnChildren look forward eagerly to Childrenx27s Day because they are the happiest at that time of the year.rn8、他放学回到家时,妈妈正在做晚饭。rnHis mother was cooking the dinner when he came back home after school.rn9、女秘书等着老板夸奖她几句,可是老板一句赞扬的话也没说。rnThe secretary waited for a word of praise from her boss, but none came.rn10、这个女演员等着导演夸奖她几句,可是他一句赞扬的话也没说。rnThe actress waited for a word of praise from the director, but none came.rn11、你喜欢喝茶还是咖啡?rnDo you prefer tea or coffee?rn12、会议的目的是选举一名新主席。rnThe purpose of this meeting is to elect a new chairman.rn13、 根据天气的不同这项计划会有不同的结果。rnThe plan can have different results depending on the weather.rn14、银行将付给储蓄账户利息。rnThe bank will pay interest to the savings account.rn15、那里的工人每天可以挣30元钱外加免费3顿饭。rnThe workers there can earn 30 dollars every day and get three meals for free.rnrn上面的答案错在哪里?
Students should make good use of their four years at college to study hard.
-->Students should make full use of their four years in university to study hard.
-->”make good use”lacks the meaning of充分 and college is seldom used to refer to 大学
In the traditional classroom, the teacher tells the students what to do most of the time.
-->During the class, teachers usually tell students what to do.
-->classroom is a place.It is complicated to express 通常 in ways like "most of the time"."the"is not require for these general terms(teacher&student)when you are not refering to specific one.
Society expects every adult to be responsible for their behaviour.
-->Society requires adults to be responsible for their actions.
-->behaviour is kind of attitude,but not行为.expect does not mean 要求also.Every is also meaningless in this case.
These students may have problems getting used to expressing their ideas in English.
-->These students are probably not used to express their thoughts in English.
-->其实,原句问题不大,but only missing an "in"between "problems"and"getting" and a little bit redundent
By the third week, I had forged close relationships with all the classmates.
-->By the third week, I had forged a close relationship with all the classmates.
-->relationship between "me" and another people is a singular.
6、在中国春节(Spring Festival)是最喜庆的节日。
The Spring Festival is the most festive time in China.
Children look forward eagerly to Children's Day because they are the happiest at that time of the year.
-->Children are looking forward eagerly to Children's Day because they are the happiest at that time within the year.
-->"looking forward to" is phrasal verb.Within is better than of but both are correct.
His mother was cooking the dinner when he came back home after school.
-->His mother was cooking the dinner when he back home from school.
-->only one main word is needed,either come or back
The secretary waited for a word of praise from her boss, but none cames.
-->Correct.None can also be used in refering to stuff.=]
The actress waited for a word of praise from the director, but none came.
-->Correct.reason same as 10
Do you prefer tea or coffee?
-->Which one do you prefer,coffe or tea?
-->or You prefer tea or coffee?
-->Yours words are Chinese-English.
The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new chairman.
13、 根据天气的不同这项计划会有不同的结果。
The plan can have different results depending on the weather.
-->Different results will come out for the plans depending on the weather.
-->Chinese-Engkish again.The plan will not have the result.
The bank will pay interest to the savings account.
-->The bank will pay interest to the saving accounts.
-->saving account"s" is plural and there should not be any "s" behind saving.
The workers there can earn 30 dollars every day and get three meals for free.
-->Correct but a little bit complicated sentence structure.They also seldom use the word"earn"
-->The workers there can make 30 dollars and have three free meals.
1、把to study hard改为and study hard.
to表示目的,and表示并列。英文是严谨的,学生上大学的最终目的不是努力学习而是学会知识、成为人才最终实现人生价值。所以努力学习只能和上大学抓紧时间并列。还有at college要改为in college.因为at强调地理位置上的“在”,而in college才是“在上大学”的意思。

In traditional classes, teachers usually tell the students what to do.
这是改过的句子。去掉了你用的the,因为你这句话是一般性陈述,不能用特指,此外teachers,classes要用复数。“在课堂上”就是in class,还是那句话英文比较严谨,你写“in classroom”意思只是“物理上位于教室里”,没有上课的意思。而中文“在课堂上”其实是“上课时”的意思。还有用usually更好。


整个句子没语病。不过其实表达这个意思你完全可以去掉get used to。

5、By the (加end of the)third week, I had forged close relationships with all the classmates. “By”后面得加一个表示时刻的词,不能加一段时间,你这一星期也太长了。另外,后半句没必要用过去完成时,现在完成时have forged就可以了,除非你有语境。

6、改为The Spring Festival is the greatest festival people celebrate in China. 英文里没有直接对应“喜庆的”这个形容词的词。

7、后半句改为because that's the happiest time of the year for them. 其实中文原句逻辑有问题。应该是因为儿童节(的某些好处),孩子们才快乐。原句因果倒置了。按原句的意思,就是孩子们的“快乐”是随季节自动变化的,正好到每年6月1号最快乐,于是孩子们盼望那一天到来。。。。

8、去掉the dinner或者把cooking the dinner改为preparing dinner.


13、 根据天气的不同这项计划会有不同的结果。
The plan can have different results depending on the weather.
还是严谨性问题。“计划”是不能有什么“结果”的,只能是某种行动、政策、措施等才会有“结果”。所以你要换掉“计划”这个词,至于换什么看你的语境了。另外can最好改为may。have改为end up with.

14、改为The bank pays interest to the savings account.

15、改为The workers there earn 30 dollars every day(或make 30 dollars per day) and get three meals for free.

1. 没有语法错误,只是感觉翻译得有些死板。
2. 课堂应该是class. 我的翻译是 In traditional classes, teachers usually tell students what they should do.
3. 对。
4. 也对。我会直接说:These students may not be used to expressing their thoughts in English.
5. 对。你让我学习了一个新词,forge a relationship.
6. 对,但我会把time换为day.
7. 对。
8. 对。
9. 我会把none换为nothing. none 指“没有人”,而我觉得原句是“一句赞扬的话也没有”。
10. 同上
11. 对。
12. 对。
13. 对。
14. 最后应该用复数吧,“ the savings accounts”。
15. 对。

1. 没有语法错误,只是感觉翻译得有些死板。
2. 课堂应该是class. 我的翻译是 In traditional classes, teachers usually tell students what they should do.
3. 没错。
4. 也对。我会直接说:These students may not be used to expressing their thoughts in English.
5. 没错。
6.没错 ,但time换为day.
7.没错 。
8. 没错。
9. 我会把none换为nothing. none 指“没有人”,而我觉得原句是“一句赞扬的话也没有”。
10. 同上一题
11.没错 。
12.没错 。
13. 没错。
14. 最后应该用复数the savings accounts。
15. 没错。
1.University students should make full use of four years to study
2.In the traditional classroom, teachers often tell students what to do
3.Society requires that each adult is responsible for their actions
4.These students may not yet accustomed to using English to express their own ideas
5.By the third week, I have the whole class and established a good relationship
6.Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) is the most festive holiday
7.The children are eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the Children's Day, because this time of year they are most happy
8.When he returned home from school, my mother is doing for supper
9.Waiting for a female secretary praised her boss a few, but then praised the owner of a word
10.Directed by the actress waiting for a few praise her, but he praised the sentence, then word
11.Do you like tea or coffee
12.The purpose of the meeting is to elect a new chairman
13.According to the different weather conditions of the scheme will have different results
14.Banks will pay interest on savings accounts
15.Where workers earn 30 yuan per day plus money for free meals 3

真不容易 中国“白话式” 英语 加 “白字”


“在”是用in or on? ... 介词in on 的区别在哪?到底是in or on ? 说清楚点,行不吖? 都被搞混了。。


Spring Festival,意为“春节”。
其中。Spring为春天的意思, festival为节日的意思,是由中文春节直接翻译过去了。
例句:The spring festival is a traditional Chinese festival.In recent years, The spring festival is more and more popular with people all over the world.
中国大陆人民币: Chinese RMB
日常纸币: paper currency
春节红包: red packet for Spring Festival
纪念钞: commemorative currency
Spring Festival,意为“春节”。
Spring为春天的意思, festival为节日的意思,
Spring Festival
例句: Spring Festival is the chinese traditional
festival. It usually comes in lateJanuary or early February.
文章标题: 春节在不同的语境下该如何翻译
文章地址: http://www.xdqxjxc.cn/jingdianwenzhang/132661.html
文章标签:语境  该如何  春节  翻译