有关于家庭的作文,着重于历史。我爷爷年轻时为躲避饥荒带着全家去了东北,八年后回家乡。爸爸年轻时是老师,后来从政,经过自己的努力,仕途有一定的发展,大概这些不太一样也行,大家急需大学级别的英语作文,英语老师是加拿大人,我又不是英语系的,英语有点弱的说,所以拜托了,200字左右的,谢谢了!!!My grandfather led his family to northeast China because of the then famine when he was young, then they back their hometown eight years later. My father was a teacher when he was young, later he entered the politics, after his effort, he got some achievement in it. 你给的信息太少,凑不够两百字诶。再加点儿吧,别人不好乱加
我是姓李的,一直想要个好听点的家族名字,如果大家文才好点的,就帮我起个!满意的就加分哈!Lee Clan.
关于英文的你问我就好了,阿侄子! -0-
Lee family
family li
Some people hold the view that the classics are classics because they have stood the test of time. Therefore, they are to be treasured by people of all generations, ours being no exception. Others believe that the classics represent the wisdom of the past. As we are advancing towards the future, it is our responsibility to venture into the unknown and generate new understanding of man and nature. What is your view on this issue?
Write an essay in 400-500 words in response to this question and give reasons to support your position.
有 些人认为经典作品之所以经典,是因为它们经受住了时间的考验.因此,无论身处哪一个时代,人们都应该将它们视为珍宝,我们这代人当然也不例外.也有些人认为经典著作代表着过去的智慧.我们正向着未来大步迈进,探索未知世界、发掘对人与自然的新认识是我们的责任.对此,你有何看法?
文章标题: 如何看待英语作文中的李氏家族
文章地址: http://www.xdqxjxc.cn/zuowen/112531.html