时间: 2021-06-19 09:29:50 | 作者:小丸子 | 来源: 喜蛋文章网 | 编辑: admin | 阅读: 113次
1. 社会功德类模板
From the pictures given, we can get such a message:in the era of rapid economic development, many people neglect how important (thrifty节俭) is in our life. (Thrifty节俭) should be given enough attention and should be actively promoted.
To begin with , (thrifty节俭),a traditional virtue of the chinese nation , plays a very important role in our lives so that we must place great emphasis on it. In addition, (thrifty节俭) is of great benefit for us to integrate into the social life. A recent finding reveals that people are more willing to make friends with those equipped with this quality. What is more, the trait of (thrifty节俭) not only contributes to improving our personal accomplishment, but is of great importance to the formation of a good social climate.
In a word, I personally believe that every one of us should be (thrifty节俭). As for ourselves, we should take the initiative to cultivate the excellent quality of (thrifty节俭). For the whole society, we should promote this quality together.
可以尝试把任何社会功德类的词语替换进去,都适用。比如(尊老爱幼respect the old and cherish the young 、诚信sincerity and honesty 等等),只要模板背下来了,考场上你只需要知道一个主题词。十几分钟完成一篇大作文非常的轻松。
如果想要更多的模板,欢迎大家关注微信公众号“大白口语日记”,这是我个人最近为了积累英语口语素材加上以后就业原因想提前接触一下运营,所以自己建的一个公众号,需要有人关注之后才有机会写进简历呀~ 所以大家互相帮助~ 需要模板可以在公众号留言给我,也可以咨询其他的各种公共课的考研问题哦~