时间: 2021-04-19 18:52:03 | 作者:橙橙橙 | 来源: 喜蛋文章网 | 编辑: admin | 阅读: 101次
1.Education is not the filling of a vessel,but the kindling of a flame.教育不是灌输是点燃火焰
2.Telling is not teaching . 说不是教
3.The art of teaching lies not in the ability to impart, but in the inspiration to arouse and inspire.教学的艺术不在于传授的本领,而在于激励唤醒鼓舞
4.Learning from high school is a teacher, and being a model; a century-long plan, education-oriented.学高为师,身正为范;百年大计,教育为本
5.The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. 教育的根是苦涩的,但其果实是香甜的
6.Education is the movement from darkness to light. 教育是从黑暗到光明的运动