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Frontiers in Genetics 征稿啦!!

时间: 2021-05-10 08:59:48 | 作者:曾健明 | 来源: 喜蛋文章网 | 编辑: admin | 阅读: 105次

Frontiers in Genetics 征稿啦!!

嗨,你好,告诉你个好消息,我们在Frontiers in Genetics (IF2021:3.258; 5 year ~3.5) 杂志上主持的癌症耐药性的research topic开始征稿啦,有兴趣的朋友快来围观。

Frontiers in Genetics - 研究主题

Frontiers in Genetics为标准同行评审期刊。同行评审(Peer review,在某些学术领域亦称 Refereeing) 为一种审查程序,即一位作者的学术著作让同一领域的其他专家学者来加以评审。Frontiers in Genetics主要以同行评审的方法来选择与筛选所投送的稿件录取与否。 Frontiers in Genetics的研究主题涵盖以下类别: Genetics (Q1), Genetics (clinical) (Q1), Molecular Medicine (Q1)



(1)耐药性的新生物学机制 (2)详细分析开发新疗法的已知耐药机制 (3)研究耐药性生物学机制的新技术,包括但不限于: •遗传,基因组和表观遗传分析; •转录组学分析; •单细胞分析; •遗传生物标记,用以定量单细胞中与细胞活力和耐药性相关的机理; •遗传生物标记,用以预测动物模型中耐药性的发生发展; •遗传生物标志物,用以评估耐药性发展的诊断或预测预后; •使用临床数据集来模拟耐药性发展的模拟模型。

Potential authors interested in submitting a paper to the research topic: Uncovering drug resistance during cancer therapy at Front Genetics (IF2021:3.258; 5 year ~3.5) could submit papers related to any of the subjects suggested in the Call for Papers. We welcome Original Research, Review, and Perspective articles that describe one of the following aspects:

(1) novel biological mechanisms of drug resistance (2) detailed analysis of known mechanisms of drug resistance to develop novel therapies (3) novel technologies to study the biological mechanisms of drug resistance, which include but may not be limited to: • Genetic, genomic, and epigenetic analysis; • Transcriptomic analysis; • Single-cell analysis; • Genetic biomarkers to quantify drug influx/efflux in single cells in correlation to cell viability and drug resistance; • Genetic biomarkers to predict drug-resistance development in animal models; • Genetic biomarkers to evaluate diagnosis or predict prognosis of drug resistance development; • Simulation models to simulate the development of drug resistance using clinical datasets.


文章标题: Frontiers in Genetics 征稿啦!!
文章地址: http://www.xdqxjxc.cn/jingdianmeiwen/106159.html
文章标签:学术  文章  生物信息学