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how to deal with adversity

时间: 2023-11-11 19:00:57 | 来源: 喜蛋文章网 | 编辑: admin | 阅读: 89次

how to deal with adversity


"how to deal with"和"what to do with"这两个短语在意义上有一些微妙的差别。"how to deal with"更强调解决问题的过程和方法,而"what to do with"更注重对待事物或决策的选择。

"how to deal with"的意思是“如何处理”或“如何应对”。它通常用于描述面对问题、挑战或困境时的解决方法或行动步骤。它强调的是解决问题的方式、过程或方法。


How to deal with stress?(如何应对压力?)

How to deal with difficult people?(如何处理难缠的人?)

"what to do with"的意思是“如何处理”或“对待如何”。它通常用于描述对某物或某人采取的行动或决策。它关注的是对待事物或人的方式、选择或决策。


What to do with the leftovers?(剩菜怎么处理?)

What should I do with this information?(我该如何处理这些信息?)



"How to deal with"强调的是解决问题的方式、方法或步骤。它询问的是对于已经存在的问题或挑战,如何应对、如何处理。这个短语聚焦于解决问题的过程,提供了具体的操作指导。

"What to do with"关注的是对待某物或某人的方式、选择或决策。它询问的是对于给定事物或情况,应该采取怎样的行动,如何处理或处置。这个短语强调的是对现有情况或资源的选择和决策。


"How to deal with"通常用于解决具体的问题、困境或挑战。它寻求解决方案和方法,以克服或应对特定的情况或问题。

"What to do with"通常用于面对某种情况、对象或资源时作出决策。它关注对于给定事物的处理方式,涉及选择、安排或利用资源等方面。


"How to deal with"常用于描述与个人、情绪、困难或挑战相关的问题,如处理压力、解决冲突、应对焦虑等。

"What to do with"常用于描述与物品、信息、资源或抉择相关的问题,如处理剩余食物、决策如何利用时间、处理收到的礼物等。


"How to deal with"的结构:

    "How to deal with"通常用作疑问句或陈述句的主语。其结构为:

    疑问句:How to deal with + 宾语(问题、困境等)?例如:"How to deal with stress?"(如何应对压力?)

    陈述句:[人/人们/我们] know how to deal with + 宾语(问题、困境等)。例如:"People know how to deal with difficult situations."(人们知道如何应对困境。)

"What to do with"的结构:

    "What to do with"通常用作疑问句或陈述句的宾语,并且需要配合动词或决策词。其结构为:

    疑问句:What to do with + 宾语(物品、情况等)? 例如:"What should I do with this information?"(我该如何处理这些信息?)

    陈述句:[人/个体/你] decide/choose what to do with + 宾语(物品、情况等)。 例如:"You decide what to do with your time."(你决定如何安排你的时间。)

怎么正确选择"how to deal with"和"what to do with"的应用呢?


2.主语/宾语:根据需要选择合适的主语和宾语。"How to deal with"通常用于描述个人或群体如何处理问题,而"what to do with"则更多地关注对待物品、资源或选择的决策。



    "How to deal with stress?"(如何应对压力?)

    "What should I do with this gift?"(我该怎么处理这个礼物?)


    "People know how to deal with difficult situations."(人们知道如何应对困境。)

    "You decide what to do with your time."(你决定如何安排你的时间。)





学期个人留学申请书1  "All I know about leadership I learned from..." What items could a personuse to describe leadership qualities?
  Inspired by the student council advisors at my high school.
  Student council was a big part of my life in high school. I haveparticipated in it since my frst year of high school. When I frst joined, I wasquiet, na?ve, and unwilling to participate in many activities. I was scared tomeet new people and afraid to apply myself. This all began to change. Half waythrough my frst year in student council, one of the advisors can up to me andasked why I did not participate that much. I did not have an answer for her anddid not know how to respond. After this, I began to think of an answer. I becamefrustrated and decided to change. I started to show up at events and had a greattime. I realized I loved this and wanted to start leading these activities. Inmy sophomore, junior, and now my senior year of high school, I asserted myselfand took on a strong leadership role in student council. I did not fgure out theanswer to why I was so reserved until this year with the help of thisquestion.
学期个人留学申请书2  The purpose of historical inquiry is not simply to present facts but tosearch for an interpretation of the past. The reason I want to study History issimply that it combines the excitement of exploration and discovery with thesense of reward born from successfully confronting and making sense of complexand challenging problems.History is fascinating because society is constantlyevolving and as a result, the history must evolve with it.  I seek enrolment ina program that not only maintains a superb reputation but that will also demandonly the highest quality effort from each of its students. I hope that you areable to give me the privilege of continuing my studies on the level demanded byyour prestigious institution. I have applied all my abilities and diligence togetting into Oxford.  My aim has always been to excel in examinations, no matterhow demanding they were. I made sure I achieved straight. As in all aspects ofmy studies.From my strong performance in my A level history exam to my past workexperience, my background and qualifications have given me the skills to succeedin your program.Although school occupies most of my time, I have learnt therewards of contributing towards school life and have been head student for twoyears. I take pleasure in debating issues that are important to me, and as partof my contribution I set up a school debating society. This position hasimproved my leadership, organisational and communication skills and, given methe chance to combine my theoretical knowledge and my interpersonal skills tosuccessfully debate issues closely related to history.  Outside of academics, Iam a keen sportsman, competitively playing hockey and football. Last year Iparticipated in the AA regional school athletics finals, achieving firstposition. My other passion is swimming, I have been a member of Warwickshireswimming club for nine years. One of my biggest achievements has been taking theCounty Champion title and crowned the record holder in the mens 200mbutterfly.  My swimming practices have also given me the chance to complete mylife guard qualification, enabling me to gain work as a lifeguard. My swimmingability also helps with my interest in scuba diving. Last summer I volunteeredto assist with teaching scuba diving at a school in Italy. This experience wasextremely valuable, improving my communication skills and the appreciation ofdifferent cultures and backgrounds.  For years, I have maintained a firmdevotion to history. All of my experiences, coupled with a strong academicbackground, will allow me to embrace studying history at OxfordUniversity.  When I looked up leadership in the dictionary, it said that it wasthe capacity to lead and the act or instance of leading. These are two verybroad defnitions of leadership. Many people have different notions of what thisword actually means. When I was challenged to use different items to describewhat leadership actually is, I thought this was going to be a hard and obnoxioustask. What could I learn from comparing leadership to a stuffed animal or arubber chicken? But when I sat down to come up with a couple of answers, Irealized that leadership could be compared to almost anything a personwants.
  All I know about leadership I learned from a calculator. A calculator canadd everything together to come up with the best answer. It can delet e what isunnecessary and only include what is important. It can solve any type ofproblem. These are all important equalities a leader has to have. A leader hasto be able to add all of the ideas together to make the best possible plan.Leaders have to know how to decipher the good and the bad out of an idea. Theyhave to be versatile and know how to deal with different types of issues.
  All I know about leadership I learned from a ball. A ball is able to bounceback up after it is dropped. It is round and has no creases. A ball can bethrown back and forth to different people. All of these qualities are alsoleadership qualities. A leader has to be ready for every situation that isthrown at him or her. He or she has to be able to bounce back from any setbacksand never dwell on the past. Leaders have to exhibit many qualities and never beclosed-minded about a situation. A leader must be able to delegate when he orshe cannot get the work done. They have to trust everyone they lead to be ableto "catch the ball" and keep a project rolling.
  This activity made me realize that being a leader is so much more than justhaving authority and having the ability to take control of a situation. A leaderhas to be trusting of all the people he or she leads and, leaders must be ableto combine ideas into one encompassing idea. They cannot sit in the backgroundand watch events happen; they have to jump in and be involved. They should notdelegate all their responsibilities away.
  Leadership is more than what the dictionary says it is.
  I learned through all of this that I have many of these qualities.
  I have the ability to solve problems, lead through adversity, and beversatile. From answering this question, I realized that I could leadeffectively, even if my leadership style is different from other individuals.When I joined student council in my frst year of high school, I did not havethese qualities because I was never put into a situation where I had to lead. Iwas too reserved to try. When I tried, I learned that I could succeed in this. Idid not realize until I answered this question about leadership. I was neverable to see that being a leader is not just about taking control of a group andtelling everyone what to When I was a freshman, I thoughtleadership was this. I did not know that did not have to be forceful and strict.I stereotyped a leader then. Thisis where I went wrong. A leader is about beingyourself and never letting anyone change you. I thought I had to change to be agood leaderOnly when I expanded my comfort zone did I realize this was nottrueIt only took three years and a silly question/game to fgure this out.
学期个人留学申请书3  I am applying for admission to the Ph.D. program in Electrical and ComputerEngineering, at the University of California, Berkeley. I present my researchexperience and study objectives in this statement of purpose. I would like tobuild on my solid education and experience as an engineer for a Ph. D. degree incomputer science at a distinguished university. I wish in particular to betrained at an advanced level in software systems, database systems, applied-AIand knowledge-based systems. My ultimate goal is to become a professor teachingcomputer science at a Chinese university. I believe that advanced training in aquality graduate program will help me realize my goal.
  My father is a chartered accountant and my mother is a banker. During mydays at Engineering College I used to go to my father's office and help himmanage his portfolio of equities and other financial instruments. This was thetime I learnt the first lesson of finance from my father i.e. risk and returnare proportionate. In 1998 when I was in the second year the China stock marketcrashed. But fortunately, my father had a well-diversified portfolio because ofwhich our returns were protected from the downside risk. This was when I learntthe second principle of finance from my father i.e. diversification reducesrisk. While I understood these two principles intuitively, it produced in me astrong urge to learn and understand the complex theory behind the working ofFinance. This, I believe, was a turning point in my career. I made up my mind topursue a career in Finance and hence decided to do a Masters program in BusinessAdministration.
  As I was finishing college, my mother had both of her hips replaced withartificial ones because all of the cartilage in her hip joints had worn away andit was very painful for her to walk. I found it fascinating that engineers,orthopedic surgeons, and biologists had all worked together to design theseartificial joints that completely transform. people's lives by giving them backpain-free mobility, and I knew at that moment that this was an area about whichI wanted to learn more. In China these days, university graduates who have notbeen lucky enough to settle into their dream jobs often look to graduatedstudies as a way to kill the time that they cannot otherwise spend meaningfully.I am prepared to go against the social conventions by putting on hold asuccessful research career that promised to be even more successful. With eightyears of productive and highly valued practical research behind me, I now wouldlike to revert to a more intellectual life so that I can conduct moretheoretical discourses.
  When asked how to manage to mask remarkable statues, the French sculptorAuguste Rodin answered, “I choose a block of marble and chop off whatever Idon't need For me, life is just a block of marble---whether the marble can beturned into a remarkable statue depends on your natural talents, diligence and asense of duty. During over four years’ my college life, I have been dreaming ofbeing a perfect female researcher so that I can enhance more young girls’confidence in scientific research and encourage them to promote the developmentof science as men do. For Knowledge Itself Is Power.This is one of my favoriteprecepts and at this point in my life when I am about to complete my graduationand my future spreads in front of me like a dream, this adage has neverinfluenced my life more than this before.
  For the past three years, my undergraduate education has exposed me to thevarious sub-fields of Computer Science (CS). However, our syllabus has focusedmainly on "traditional" CS topics, such as Operating systems and single-CPUsystems. We have had barely a glimpse of the newer technologies that are likelyto change the way computing is done in not-so-distant future. The desire toexamine such subjects in greater detail is what has prompted me to opt forgraduate study. Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s“reform. andopen”policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the developmentof its global position. As a senior at Beijing University majoring in Economics,I feel that my field is fundamental to the progress of my country. Yet, at thesame time, I realize only too well that what I have learned as an undergraduateis far from enough. Therefore, it is my desire to pursue a graduate degree IEconomics at your university. If accepted, my intended concentration would beEconomic Development and Public Economics.


思索 [sī suǒ]
think deeply
. 近义词或词组
speculate | reflect on/upon | speculate on | speculation | think . 更多 . 隐藏更多
. 展开《新汉英大辞典》
. 折叠《新汉英大辞典》

思索 [sī suǒ] think deeply; ponder; speculate:例句: do some hard thinking;
用心思索consider carefully;
以上来源于: 《新汉英大辞典》网络释义展开
1. speculate
托业词汇汇总(2) ...
submit 认输;使服从;提出
speculate 沉思;思索;猜测;推测;投机
verify 证明;证实;确认 ...

2. think about
考博英语词组 ...
think of... as 以为...;认为...;把...当作...
think about 思索;考虑
think over/out 掂量;斟酌/琢磨透;想出;深思熟虑 ...
3. speculation n.
awful adj. (1)terrible; shocking 可怕的;惊人的 The pain was awful 疼痛得可怕。(2)very bad 极坏的 awful weather 恶劣的天气 awfulness n. up
speculation n. (an example of) reasoning lightly or without all the facts 构思;思索;沉思;默想;推测 up
outfit n. (1) all the things, esp. cloths, needs for a particular purpose 所需的全部装备,尤指衣服 up ...

4. think

hope希望 ...

思索..speculate | think about | speculation n. | think
1. speculate
托业词汇汇总(2) ...
submit 认输;使服从;提出
speculate 沉思;思索;猜测;推测;投机
verify 证明;证实;确认 ...

2. think about
考博英语词组 ...
think of... as 以为...;认为...;把...当作...
think about 思索;考虑
think over/out 掂量;斟酌/琢磨透;想出;深思熟虑 ...

3. speculation n.
awful adj. (1)terrible; shocking 可怕的;惊人的 The pain was awful 疼痛得可怕。(2)very bad 极坏的 awful weather 恶劣的天气 awfulness n. up
speculation n. (an example of) reasoning lightly or without all the facts 构思;思索;沉思;默想;推测 up
outfit n. (1) all the things, esp. cloths, needs for a particular purpose 所需的全部装备,尤指衣服 up ...

4. think

hope希望 ...

思索者..speculator | Thinker | meditator
思索者..speculator | Thinker | meditator
1. speculator
心理学专业英语词汇(S4) ...
speculativism 思辩
speculator 思索者
speculator 投机者 ...

2. Thinker
其中一幅漫画着一位参观者看着一幅改编成“阴郁”版本的罗丹 (Auguste Rodin)的《思索者》(Thinker),旁边一个导游正在解说:“自从有人在他面前挂了一幅毕加索的画,他就变成这样了。”

3. meditator
汉英词汇大全第944页 ...
思索者meditator ...

GMAT阅读 作者态度题单词总结 - 中国准MBA... ...
speculative思索的; 推理的; 纯理论的;推测的;投机(性质)的; 冒风险的
skeptical怀疑的 ...

心思索..Think it over
心思索..Think it over
Think it over
上一篇文章: 用心思索(Think it over)


反覆思索..i wonder why it is, | Still i wonder why it is,
反覆思索..i wonder why it is, | Still i wonder why it is,
1. i wonder why it is,
论坛状态 ...
now i understand. 终于明白 你就是唯一
i wonder why it is, 反覆思索
i don’t argue like this 反覆问自己 ...

2. Still i wonder why it is,
歌词:Like a Star | 音乐日志 ...
Honour to love you. 我是这样的爱你
Still i wonder why it is, 反覆思索
I don’t argue like this 反覆问自己 ...

他思索道..he thought
他思索道..he thought
he thought
超级苹果网 - 苹果论坛 - 〉英文“他说道”种种... ...
he smiled 他微笑着说
he thought 他思索道
he answered 他回答说 ...

青春思索..New thinking
青春思索..New thinking
New thinking
沃心大学生社区 »青春思索(New thinking )

www.vexn.cn- 基于14个网页
思索不同..Think Different
思索不同..Think Different
Think Different
1997年9月28日,苹果电脑推出了一个电视广告「思索不同」(Think Different),这段黑白影片总共使用了爱因斯坦、毕卡索、希区考克、舞蹈家玛莎•葛兰姆等17位创意名人的纪录片片段,搭配简单的钢琴伴奏,一...

blog.sina.com.tw- 基于9个网页
苦苦思索..puzzle out
苦苦思索..puzzle out
puzzle out
英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译( P10 ) ...
puzzle head 思想混乱的人
puzzle out 苦苦思索
puzzle 难题 ...

bbs.transn.com- 基于8个网页
1. 秘书一夜未曾睡着反复思索着去还是留。
The secretary lay awake all night pondering whether to leave or stay.
2. 我反覆地思索著我到底做了什麽?
I'm asking myself"what have I done?"
3. 思索了好久以后,他想出了答案。
After much thought, the answer came to him.

4. 自由思想家(尤指在宗教思想方面)拒绝了权威和教条主义,赞同理性的探究和思索的人
One who has rejected authority and dogma, especially in religious thinking, in favor of rational inquiry and speculation.

5. 性格外向的人喜欢高谈阔论, 而不愿思索人生的意义.
Extroverts prefer lively conversation to brooding on the meaning of life.

6. 我反覆地思索著我到底做了什麽?
I'm asking myself"what have I done?"

7. 思索了好久以后,他想出了答案。
After much thought, the answer came to him.

8. 他全神贯注于思索[埋头工作]。
He was rapt in thought [his work].

9. 顺利时要快乐,不利时要思索。
In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider.
10. 对这个问题进行思索就是一个收获。

11. 我们现在也在思索其它的助人方式。
We are at the same time considering other projects.

12. 他试图在他的脑海中思索事情。
He tried to mull things over in his mind.

13. 沈思就是劳动,思索就是行动。
To meditate is to labor; to think is to act.

14. 沉思就是劳动,思索就是行动。
to think is to act .

15. 经理稍一思索,便允许了请求。
After some reflection the manager granted the request.

16. (他未加思索地参加了那项工作。)
He joined in the work without a second thought.

17. 她时常思索她大学毕业后要做什麽。
She often speculated as to what she would do after her graduation from college.

18. 我看见他正在苦心思索一道算术题。
I saw him puzzle over an arithmetic problem.

19. 在许多思索之后她决定去美国。
After much thought she decided to go to the States.

20. 我的成就是由于坚忍地思索。
What I have done is due to patient thought.

21. 怀特教师常常思索怎么清晰那条脏河.
Mr. White thinks about how to deal with the dirty river half the time.

22. 爱因斯坦漫步街头,沉浸在思索之中。
Einstein walked along the street, lost in thought.

23. 我们同时不加思索地在三个层次上听。
We simultaneously and without thinking listen on all three planes.

24. 然而,一些思索却是可能的。
Some speculation is possible, however.
25. 我们无法找到一台能自行思索的机器。
We couldn't find any machine that could think by itself.

26. 由处理设计问题的一个网络思索了吗?
Puzzled by a network processing design issue?

27. 他苦苦思索寻找恰当的词语。
He ransacked his memory for suitable words.

28. 这些发现引起许多人思索。
The findings set off many people thinking.

29. 智者的生活在于不断思索。
with the wise man living’s thinking.

30. 我看着摇曳的树枝,思索着万物的伟大。
I look at the swaying branches and ponder over the greatness of all things.
trying to figure out




  应对 be answerable for

  应对策略 coping strategy ;

  应对措施 Response measures

  应对压力 Deal with the pressure ;

  应对效能 coping efficacy ;

  应对办法answering methods

  应对能力 coping capacity ;

  应对技能 coping skills ;

  应对体系 responsive system

  积极应对 active coping





  1. He promised to appoint an AIDS czar to deal with the disease.


  2. Councils should be answerable to the people who elect them.


  3. We needed to reskill our workforce to cope with massive technological change.


  4. He is tussling with the problem of what to do about inflation.


  5. The country needs a defence capability as insurance against the unexpected.


  6. They demanded a more expansionary economy to combat rising unemployment.


  7. The government is proclaiming a carrot-and-stick approach to the problem.


  8. He found he could no longer cope with his demanding job.


  9. I had been running around southern England in a whirlwind of activity.


  10. He appeared to be treating the potentially explosive situation with some sensitivity.


  11. The form the human family takes is a response to environmental pressures.


  12. You should not be judgemental about people and their differing sexualities.


  13. What do you expect? This is the Establishment we're taking on.


  14. Security is being stepped up to deal with the increase in violence.


  15. So far, his premiership has been dominated by crisis-management.




  A response to a transmission made over a two-way radio.


  All pilots are responsible for their passengers' safety.


  So how did we actually do this?


  Disaster relief is also commonly cited as a reason to have a bigger navy.


  How we cope with adversity is also a learning experience.


  So each bailout has been ad hoc and panicky.


  The incident shows a lack of emergency response training of the team.


  He said the key issue was how to address radical figures from any religion.


  The body releases this hormone to deal with stressful situations.


how to deal with adversity 作文120字

As the world keeps transforming and our society developing with times,Mental problem has come to a field we should pay attention to .And the phenomenon of Peer presure has rise to an up level.
As a college student,we probably meet more difficulties than elder people because we are in a situation that we've had some about life but actually we haven't growed up in some degree.Disblief,suspicons,
envy,and other bad factors trully exist in our lives when getting along with peers and how can we deal with them?I think that we should try to to be more positive towards our lives,towards our friends and people around us,fill our lives with significant activities ,coordinate with others so we can get trust from each other.In this way we'd change our mind towards someone that used tp be disgusting to you and get inner balanced.
Problems are always there and that's just the matter of how we solve them.
洬絠犔 2021-09-28
文章标题: how to deal with adversity
文章地址: http://www.xdqxjxc.cn/zuowen/183649.html
文章标签:deal  adversity

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