(3)词汇:《句句有词》 《星火单词》
(4)阅读:《同源外刊句句讲》 《阅读理解88篇》
我看一些英文的电影上面的原文和翻译看着都认识都能读得上来和明白意思 就开始练习听力 结果我发现听力好像比背单词更难啊 听了个把月了 居然觉得没有什么效果 还是我练习有问题? 我学习的书是新概念英语 现在是第三册刚开始 我在练习听第二册的内容 谁有经验给介绍下啊 谢谢了听跟说是不能分开的。看电影是一方面,但是这样是不够的。看电影可以一时让你的口语有所变化,但是时间长了你会发现其实看电影也就是提高词汇量,对口语的帮助并不大。要想学口语,最好还是找个外国人。或者英孚教育这种教育机构有1对1的口语老师。有条件的可以去,就是有点贵。
fault. 12:ADSL users:
grieve with them
写上课只用英语授课的,优点是有助于提高听说能力…,缺点,不易听懂…,开头已给出I prefer my English classeS to be taught in ~110左右您好,请问观点是支持哪一种呢?如果没有就自己发挥了,帮您写了参考如下:
I prefer my English classes to be taught in English. As we all know that English is more and more important for us to connect the world and let the world know about us. If we can have classes in English, it will definitely improve our skillls of English listening and speaking, which will be very helpful for us during the learning of English. However, some people will find that if the classes are taught in English, they would never understand all of it, which will affect them a lot. Therefore, they suggest that some of the classes should be taught mainly in Chinese. As to me, English classes are better. It is my opinion that if we used to English classes, then we will gradually make progress step by step.
I prefer my English classes to be taught in,Now I will talk about the following question, How do you prefer your English classes to be taught? In English only or in both English and Chinese?
If our English class is taught in English ONLY, the advantage to us is that it can assist us to improve our listening and oral(speaking) skills. One thing is that it is hard to understand if the teacher only speak English. That is my opinion for this question.
Although we can have our class in both English and Chinese, it is easy to understand, it cannot sustain the atmosphere of English ONLY.
This is all my opinion for the question, "How do you prefer your English classes to be taught? In English only or in both English and Chinese?"
文章标题: 救命!英语二大作文听谁的啊!!
文章地址: http://www.xdqxjxc.cn/zuowen/128159.html