时间: 2021-04-08 08:47:44 | 作者:Peter | 来源: 喜蛋文章网 | 编辑: admin | 阅读: 100次
文章标题:You'll often walk alone
导语:Loneliness is a widespread problem with complex roots
从标题和导语可以看出文章要讲的东西是 loneliness,及其 complex roots。第一到四段大家自己去看,现在直接看第五、六段。
①Even before the crisis, the hope that open-plan offices would encourage greater camaraderie proved to be false. ②Many people find the chatter distracting and retreat with noise-cancelling headphones; they can email colleagues who are sitting only a few desks away.
①Even before the crisis, the hope that open-plan offices wouldencouragegreater camaraderieproved to be false.
解释一下这句话的一些词。the crisis 指的是 covid-19 pandemic新冠疫情。open-plan offices 是“开放式办公室”,顾名思义,办公区域开放,同事之间讨论更方便。camaraderie 是“情谊”。
这句话有两处地方可以学习。第一是“encourage”的用法。the hope that open-plan offices would encourage greater camaraderie... 说希望开放式办公室能够增进同事情谊,说到“增进、促进”,我们可能会马上想到 peomote、enhance、improve 等,但有没有考虑过试试 encourage 呢?这个词可以记下用作替换,写作时就避免总是用那几个看腻了的词。
另外,encourage 不一定只用在积积极、正面的事情上,它也可以指“助长”不好的事情发生,比如:Violent TV programmes encourage anti-social behavior. 暴力电视节目会助长反社会行为。
这句话第二个值得学习的表达是...proved to be false. 再完整地看看①句:Even before the crisis, the hope that open-plan offices would encourage greater camaraderie proved to be false.它说,即使是在疫情发生之前,指望开放式办公室能够增进同事情谊的希望就被证明是错的。也就是说,事实证明这样的希望、想法并不对,开放式办公室并不能增进打工人之间的感情。
我们写作时,若要讨论不同的看法,可以用这个句式开头,指出常见但错误的观点。比如:The idea that parents are the masters of their children has been proved wrong 事实证明,认为父母是孩子的主人这种想法是错误的。再比如,电视剧里企图用金钱换取爱情的希望是错的:The hope that money could be used to buy love proved to be false.
注意,prove的用法,它是主动的,不是被动的。sth proves to be 直接表示“证明是”。We have been accused of exaggerating before, but unfortunately all our reports proved to be true. 我们曾被指责夸大其词,但遗憾的是,我们所有的报告都证明是真实的。
②句内容比较简单:Many people find the chatter distracting and retreat with noise-cancelling headphones; they can email colleagues who are sitting only a few desks away.
cahtter 是名词也是动词。表示“喋喋不休地说;闲聊”。在句子中显然是名词。noise-cancelling headphones 是降噪耳机。②句大意是有些人觉得絮叨的声音让人分心,只能带上降噪耳机“退出群聊”。就算同事只有几桌之隔,也通过邮件联系。
①Co-working spaces, where young professionals can take advantage of communal facilities, have not been the answer either. ②Workers are not there long enough to invest in relationships. ③As Ms Hertz puts it:"Hot deskers are the workplace equivalent of the renters who've never met their neighbours."
①Co-working spaces, where young professionals can take advantage of communal facilities,have not been the answer either.
co-working spaces 公共工作空间,communal facilities 公用设施。
把中间的从句抹去,看主句:co-working spaces have not been the answer either. 这里 the answer 指的是什么的答案?看到后面的 either,就知道它和上一段是有联系的。上一段说了开放式办公室并不能增进员工情谊,接着说公共工作区域也不是答案,言外之意就是公共的工作区域也不能让员工有更多互动、增进感情。
co-working 后面加上从句 where young professionals can take advantage of communal facilities,补充说明在这样的空间员工可以使用公用设施。
这里我们可以学习的句式是 XX has not been the answer either. 用来表示“同样的,xx也不能够解决什么问题”的意思。either 可以体现和上文的联系,让读者知道你没跑题。而如果是在文中第一次提出“xx 不对、不行”的话,就不用加上either了。
②Workers are not there long enough to invest in relationships.
一般我们好像说“投资”才会想到invest,其实 invest 也可以表示“投入时间、精力”,invest in relationships 也就是将时间精力放到关系中,像我们常说的“投入到一段感情中”。例句:She had invested all her adult life in the relationship. 她把成年后的时间全用于维护那一关系。
③As Ms Hertz puts it:"Hot deskers are the workplace equivalent of the renters who've never met their neighbours."
最后引用了文中提到的学者所著书里的话。puts it = says 可以记下用作替换。hot desker 指的是轮流使用的办公桌,我们在这一篇《最新一期经济学人精读笔记02(上)》有讲过hot desking“轮桌制”,可以点击蓝字回顾。
①...proved to be false
②XX has not been the answer either
②put it
③invest (invest in relationships)