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时间: 2020-03-22 20:35:47 | 作者:Admin | 来源: 喜蛋文章网 | 编辑: admin | 阅读: 102次




  It's hell lot of fun when I'm with you! Happy Halloween to you!


  Your smile lights up our world! Wishing you a Halloween bright and glowing as you are!


  Hope your Halloween is masked with spooky fun ... just as mine.希望你的万圣节快乐…就像我一样。

  Thank you for your very special wish. Happy Halloween!


  Thank you for making my Halloween so special.


  Hope your Halloween is masked with spooky fun ... just as mine.


  Thank you for your very special wish. Happy Halloween!


  Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! Happy Halloween!


  Its Halloween ... time to dress up in your spookiest best and grab all the fun! Hope its lit up with smiles for you! Happy Halloween!


  My Halloweens happy when I freak out with you! Happy Halloween to you ...my friend!


  Its hell lot of fun when Im with you! Happy Halloween to you!



  1. 十月三十一号万圣节之夜,你准备好了吗?我已经画好皮了,长好獠牙了,我会带着鲜血做的奶酪,来庆祝万圣节快乐!提前预祝万圣节快乐!

  2. 师徒取经路上,唐僧对悟空说:师傅饿了,你去化些斋来。悟空扭头看到沙僧说:师弟你去吧!沙僧无奈道:好吧,那个呆子又在看短信了。哈哈,呆子万圣节快乐!

  3. 师傅四人过万圣节,悟空紧守师傅,除鬼怪,沙僧紧守行李,防失财,只有八戒紧握手机,看短信,呵呵,万圣节到了,愿你快乐! 有关万圣节的短信

  4. 生活图个快乐,装鬼求个吓人,装扮图个别致,过节图个开心,万圣过个开怀,欢笑图个舒畅,祝福图个准时,短信图个吉祥,祝你万圣节快乐,过个潇洒轻松。

  5. 生活的压力重重(),令人喘不过气;工作的压力重重,忙忙碌碌迷失自己。万圣节到了,放下压力,放纵自己,戴上鬼面具做一回真实的自己。祝万圣节快乐!

  6. 神没什么可怕,就怕神魂颠倒;鬼没什么可怕,就怕鬼迷心窍;神鬼没什么可怕,就怕装神弄鬼;鬼神没什么可怕,就怕鬼使神差。鬼神祝你万圣节快乐!

  7. 你吧,老婆喊你死鬼,长辈叫你小鬼,朋友唤你酒鬼,美女称你色鬼,你就是一个名副其实的开心鬼,万圣节到了,扮演你的各种鬼角色,收获各种幸福,快乐吧!

  8. 南瓜南瓜橘黄色,万圣节来传统色,杰克灯是象征物,掏空南瓜刻面容,吓走恶魔与妖怪,捣蛋鬼来要糖果,不给糖来就捣乱,愿你万圣节愉快!

  9. 南瓜灯照亮你前进方向,让你前程似锦乐无忧;鬼脸面具祛除邪气厄运,让你好运缠身快乐伴;魔法扫帚扫清人生障碍,让你一生幸福身体健。祝朋友:万圣节快乐。

  10. 南瓜灯在闪,鬼面具已戴,魔法帚儿舞起来。热热闹闹走街巷,观众如潮人如海。别忘家中备糖果,不然可别怪我来作怪,糖果拿出祝福自然来。祝你万圣节快乐!

  11. 南瓜灯一照,照到哪个哪个靓;巫婆帚一扫,扫到哪个哪个爽;鬼面具一戴,吓到哪个哪个旺;小短信一发,哪个收到哪个赚。祝万圣节快乐! 万圣节祝福短信大全

  12. 南瓜灯一照,前程似锦摆眼前;鬼面具一带,烦恼忧愁全绕行,魔扫把一挥,天马行空四处游;恐怖信一封,孤单寂寞全吓走;万圣节到,愿你永远开心快乐!

  13. 南瓜灯一照,烦恼小鬼不会眨眼,快点踢走它。鬼面具一戴,忧愁小鬼全部傻眼,趁机甩掉它。魔法帚一挥,郁闷小鬼只有干瞪眼,一定打败它。恭喜你大获全胜。万圣节快乐。

  14. 南瓜灯让你靓起来,鬼面具让你酷起来,化妆服让你帅起来,魔力扫让你神起来,如意糖让你美起来,快乐舞让你炫起来,恐吓信让你乐起来,万圣节到,祝你开心快乐。

  15. 南瓜灯亮闪闪,大鬼小鬼一大片。喊这户,敲那户,呼朋唤友要糖果。一年一天万圣节,不得糖果不停歇。要来糖果齐分享,幸福快乐万圣夜。祝小朋友们万圣节快乐!

  16. 南瓜灯带给你光明,鬼面具带给你快乐,五彩糖果带给你好运,魔法扫帚让你梦想成真。万圣节到了,让吉祥围绕你,幸福伴随你,敞开胸怀,享受快乐吧!

  17. 南瓜灯,普满街,辉煌灿烂乐满街,鬼装扮,闯大道,高歌曼舞占大道,你吓我,我追你,鬼迷心窍不着急,有情人,有心人,扮成恶鬼来逗你,万圣节,乐满街,祝你快乐满大街。

  18. 南瓜灯,南瓜派,南瓜今天人人爱;万圣节,万圣夜,万圣party年年开;朋友好,朋友来,朋友不请捣蛋来;别怪我,没提醒,没有糖果就挨踹!

  19. 南瓜灯,高高挂,爱情甜蜜福满家;鬼面具,傻傻戴,烦恼拜拜如意来;魔法帚,轻轻挥,金钱好运漫天飞;万圣节,悄悄到,祝你一切都安好。

  20. 哪怕你扮南瓜,还要把你夸;哪怕你装魔鬼,爱你也不悔;哪怕你化幽灵,还要把你亲。万圣节到了,祝你精灵古怪,人人喜爱,欢乐如海,大笑开怀。


  1. Your smile lights up our world! Wishing you a Halloween bright and glowing as you are!

  2. Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! Happy Halloween!

  3. Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! Happy Halloween!

  4. Thank you for making my Halloween so special

  5. Thank you for your very special wish Happy Halloween!

  6. Hope your Halloween is masked with spooky fun just as mine

  7. Trick or treat what it will be? Wishing you a happy Halloween!

  8. You never know what might happen on Halloween Wait until dark for some spooky surprises The creatures of the night are waiting To my dear pal, have a howling Halloween!

  9. you never know what might happen on halloween wait until dark for some spooky surprises the creatures of the night are waiting to my dear pal, have a howling halloween!

  10. trick or treat what it will be? wishing you a happy halloween!

  11. Your smile lights up our world! Wishing you a Halloween bright and glowing as you are!

  12. Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! Happy Halloween!

  13. Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! Happy Halloween!

  14. Thank you for making my Halloween so special

  15. my halloween's happy when i freak out with you! happy halloween to you my friend!

  16. it's hell lot of fun when i'm with you! happy halloween to you!

  17. hope your halloween is masked with spooky fun just as mine

  18. thank you for your very special wish happy halloween!

  19. thank you for making my halloween so special

  20. thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! happy halloween!

  21. your smile lights up our world! wishing you a halloween bright and glowing as you are!

  22. it's halloween time to dress up in your spookiest best and grab all the fun! hope it's lit up with smiles for you! happy halloween!

  23. Thank you for your very special wish Happy Halloween!

  24. Hope your Halloween is masked with spooky fun just as mine

  25. Trick or treat what it will be? Wishing you a happy Halloween!

  26. You never know what might happen on Halloween Wait until dark for some spooky surprises The creatures of the night are waiting To my dear pal, have a howling Halloween!

文章标题: 万圣节祝福语中英对照
文章地址: http://www.xdqxjxc.cn/juzi/71916.html

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