时间: 2021-06-05 22:09:37 | 作者:我是麦小姐 | 来源: 喜蛋文章网 | 编辑: admin | 阅读: 107次
Lesson 15: Shifting Blame
这节课是一个推卸责任的场景。所以,这节课有fall guy(替罪羊),pass the buck(推卸责任),point fingers at each other(互相指责)这类短语。
这节课还有个很好用的习语,做梦吧!(Dream on!) 大家可以学一学哦。
(to) shell out 付款
to pay (often more than one would like)
Example: The fast food chain had to shell out $10 million in a lawsuit after several people got sick from eating their hamburgers.
(to) talk someone into something 说服
to convince someone to do something, often something that one later regrets
Example: Our president doesn’t want to give us Christmas Eve off as a holiday. We’re hoping our office manager can talk him into it.
fall guy 替罪羊
the person who gets blamed for a mistake, sometimes unfairly
Example: The company’s entire management team wanted to enter the market in China. When the business failed there, they made Fred the fall guy and fired him.
(to) go on about 喋喋不休
to talk too long about; to talk for a long time about (always said as a criticism); to brag
Example: Bill is always going on about what a great salesman he is.
(to) strike gold 掘金
to make a very profitable deal; to discover something valuable.
Example: Christie struck gold with the idea of selling videos at discount prices on eBay.
(to) pass the buck 推卸责任
to shift the blame; to blame somebody else
Example: It’s your fault. Don’t try to pass the buck!
Origin: This expression comes from the world of poker. In the nineteenth century, a knife with a buckhorn handle (the “buck”) was passed to the next dealer when it was his turn to give out the cards.
(to) wash one’s hands of 洗手不干
to remove any association with; to stop being part of something; to refuse to take responsibility for
Example: When Molly realized her business partners were selling stolen goods, she decided to wash her hands of the whole business.
Origin : This expression comes from the Bible. Pontius Pilate, a Roman official, announced before a crowd that he wouldn’t save Jesus from execution. Then he washed his hands in front of the crowd, symbolically washing away the responsibility.
Dream on! 做梦吧!
That’s what you’d like, but it’s not realistic.
Example: You want to retire in five years, and you’ve only got $5,000 in the bank? Dream on!
(to) point fingers at each other / (to) point the finger at someone 互相指责
to blame
Example: Don’t point the finger at me! You need to take the blame for this mistake.
(to) track something down 追踪、寻找
to find, usually with difficulty
Example: Sheila left an important file in a taxi, and now she’s going to have to track it down.
Lesson 15: Shifting Blame
Rick and Ellen work for Attic Treasures Antiques, an antique shop. Max is the owner of the shop. Recently, a woman came in and sold them $10,000 worth of “antique” jewelry. Max takes one look at the jewelry and realizes it’s fake.
Max: I can’t believe you two bought these fake antique necklaces! Didn’t you examine them before shelling out 10 grand?
Rick: Yeah, I thought they were fake, but I let Ellen talk me into buying them.
Ellen: What? I can’t believe my ears! You thought they were real. Now you’re just trying to cover yourself!
Rick: I don’t want to be the fall guy here, Ellen. You were the one who looked at them under a magnifying glass.
Ellen: For the record, you were the one going on about how you “struck gold” right after the woman left the shop!
Rick: I don’t remember saying that. Stop trying to pass the buck. Just step up to the plate and admit your mistake!
Ellen: Right, while you wash your hands of the whole thing. Dream on!
Max: Let's stop pointing fingers at each other. We need to track that woman down and get the money back!