我自己写的英语作文,想练习练习,没有老师给我修改,所以想请帮帮忙。如下:rn In our life, we may have many experiences. They affect our fellings often.They can make us happy or sad.The bad feeling is bad for our health.So we must stay in good spirits.Here are some suggestions:rnrn 1.I like music a lot.So I think music can make me happy again.rnrn 2.Talk with friends is a useful idea.You can get some help from them.rnrn 3.I will feel happy when I wear my favorite clothes.I think you will also feel happy when you wear your favorite clothes.rnrn 4.Maybe sleep can change our feelings.If we sleep well, we will feel happy when we get up.第一行 have中文化了 改成 we may experience many things会生动得多 fellings 首先不可数 不加s 另外,改成emotion更恰当,FEEL表示感受,不是你所认为的感受的感受,emotion表示情感。can 去掉
第二行 must改成had better sipirit首先不加s,另外用在这也不对,这词意思精神,应该为mind,in good mind指保持好心情,这是习语,固定用法
不要总用I think,举个例子,第四行可以改成,I like music quite a lot, so I often enjoy myself with light music when I have some spare time, which always makes me fell relax and comfortebal after all day's hardwok.尽量用插入语和变换句式让你的表达变得丰富一些。
第一行:may不要,they often affect our ideas,make happy and sad.
第二行:is bad for healthy.我个人觉得改成the negative attitude is bad for future.must keep a positive attitude. some advices:
I like music very much,so去掉,make me fresh,again去掉
talk加ing ,我个人会改成 talking with friends is a good choice,we can get some useful imformation from them.
if i am wearing my favorite clothes,i will feel happy,so you can try it
feelings的S去掉,when we sleep well,we will feel relax and energetic after getting up
. 2.Talk with friends is a useful idea.You can get some help from them.这句中的“talk”应用“talking”
4.Maybe sleep can change our feelings.If we sleep well, we will feel happy when we get up.这句中的“sleep”应该为“sleeping”
我个人认为“So we must stay in good spirits.”这句中的“must”用“should”可能更好一些。
we may have many experiences如果你是想说我们也许有许多经历,那就应该用maybe.
They affect our fellings often应该把often放在they之后。
So I think music can make me happy again.用again不知道你要表达什么。
Talk with friends is a useful idea应该用talking.
.I will feel happy 去掉will
Maybe sleep can change 用sleeping
英语常见的错误有哪些 说明为什么错
1.名词: 单复数用错。
原因: A:受中文母语影响,中文里只需加上数词或者其他代表数量级程度的词,无须变形就可作为复数意义,而英语有单复数之别,有集体名词代表复数等区别。
2 动词:动词变形如动词原形,第三人称单数区别。
原因: 和名词出错的原因雷同。受母语中文的影响。不规则变形。
3. 时态。
原因: 中文时态表达只需要通过时间点或者介词来表达。
4. 单词用错
practice makes perfect.错误就会越来越少。
1.人称一致(中国人总是我你的用 老外不会 所以写文章别一会你 一会我的)
2. 时态一致(很明显中国的语法要简单 什么时间发生的事 动词都不会有什么变化 ,英语就会相对弱智一些,有神马过去时完成时等各种时态)
We always working till late at night before taking exams.(误)
We are always working /We always work till late at night before taking exams(正)
We should read books may be useful to us. (误)
We should read books which may be useful to us. (正)
This test is end, but there is another test is waiting for you. (误)
One test ends, but another is waiting for you. (正)
The driver of the red car was died on the spot. (误)
The driver of the red car died on the spot. (正)
Someone/Somebody think that reading should be selective. (误)
Some think that reading should be selective. (正)
My sister go to the cinema at least once a week. (误)
My sister goes to the cinema at least once a week. (正)
I was walking along the road, and there are not so many cars on the street. (误)
I was walking along the road and there were not so many vehicles on the street. (正)
We have little time to read some books which we interest. (误)
We have little time to read some books in which we are interested. (正)
I am a student who has studying in the college for two years. (误)
I have been studying in the college for two years(正)
It is my point that reading must be selectively. (误)
In my opinion, reading must be selective. (正)
Honest is so important for everyperson. (误)
Honesty is so important for everyone. (正)
The old man was hit by a car when he across the street. (误)
The old man was hit by a car when he was crossing the street. (正)
这个问题太大了吧 语法、单词之类的都会出错的啊

主要需改进之处:1)书写和卷面都有改善空间,比如涂改越少越好,字越漂亮越好,字母占格符合英语习惯等。2)常识:逗号后边不大写。3)论述要有理有据表述逻辑清楚。你开头说有两个原因,可后面并不是围绕两个原因论述,跑题了。4)明显语法错、错别字要减少:two reason(s) ,interestion, needing, (a)better job(s) 5)消灭汉语式英语:you feel society needing; I think shoud choose
There are two main reasons for choosing a good major and a prestigious university. It is clear that a good major is very important, but choosing a suitable university is equally essential.
Here are seceral suggestions for these students. Firstly, it is obvious that one should always follow his passion and choose the majoys that he is interested in, so that after he graduated, he could contribute to the society by probably inventing something useful to his or her country. Secondly, a excellent university will make sure that you get a better job and high salaries in the future.
No one can deny that selecting a good university is not important to one's life because the environment of the university decides whether you will enjoy a better living for the rest of your life.
university's 这样的说法绝对是错误的。。。
There are two main reasons for choosing a good major or a good university. It is clear that ,on one hand, a good major is very important ,on the other hand, needless to say, a good university is equally important ,too.
Here are several suggestions on these problems. For one thing, it is obvious that if you like some interesting majors or you feel society will need some majors in the future . You should choose the major that you like . For another thing, it goes without saying that if you would like to choose more lessons or to have better job chances in the future, you should choose a good university.
No noe can deny that. I think you should choose a good university . Because university's environment is very important.
英语 英语作文 语法错误

1.句子成分残缺不全 We always working till late at night before taking exams。(误) We are always working /We always work till late at night before taking exams(正) We should read books may be useful to us. (误) We should read books which may be useful to us. (正) 2.句子成分多余 This test is end, but there is another test is waiting for you. (误) One test ends, but another is waiting for you. (正) The driver of the red car was died on the spot. (误) The driver of the red car died on the spot. (正) 3.主谓不一致 Someone/Somebody think that reading should be selective. (误) Some think that reading should be selective. (正) 1/3页 My sister go to the cinema at least once a week. (误) My sister goes to the cinema at least once a week. (正) 4.动词时态、语态的误用 I was walking along the road, and there are not so many cars on the street. (误) I was walking along the road and there were not so many vehicles on the street. (正)
首先,第一句没有什么问题,只是我不明白你那句“arouse the attention from all walks of life”是什么意思。“Prevention of the mountain”可改成“impediment of the mountain”,不过意思差不太多,我只是觉得prevention听起来有点怪。“Excellent scenery”可改成“magnificent scenery”。下一句“detect”改成“notice”吧,有点奇怪。“Has conquer”应该改成“has conquered”。最后一句我也没看能解释一下吗。
第二段第一句把“but”改成“yet”比较好吧。“Dazzing”是啥,你是想说“dazing”还是“dazzling”?“MaYun is greatly robust”把is改成“was”。剩下的就没啥问题了!我给你推荐一个查英语语法的网站,还蛮好的叫 grammarly.com 你有空可以看一下,可能有些我疏漏的点。
We are always fvcking girls' B.
文章标题: 英语作文中有哪些语法及词汇错误
文章地址: http://www.xdqxjxc.cn/zuowen/160147.html