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时间: 2022-12-02 09:28:22 | 来源: 喜蛋文章网 | 编辑: admin | 阅读: 115次



There are three people in my family, my father, my mother and me. My name is Ye Dan, I am 21 years old today, now in a school, I like surfing the Internet and shopping. My father in a working station, he is 49 years old this year, he likes to read novels online. My mother is a company x27s accounting, she is 46 years old this year, her work very tired, but she insisted, she liked watching movies on the Internet, she always take care of we are one family life. I love my mom and Dad, because their daily hard work is for me, so I want to be a good child,
第一处,"my mother,and I"~"I" 是做主语的;第二处,"I am 21 years old today"~好像你不只是今天是二十一岁吧?第三处,应在"my father"与"in a working station"间加一个"is"~应在主语后加一个谓语动词;第四处,把"accounting"改为"accounter"~这应该是个职务吧?第五处,在"her work"与"very tired"间加入"is"~还是谓语动词;第六处,把"insisted"改为"insisis"~这是一般现在时的;第七处,把"she liked"改为"she likes"~一般现在时+第三人称单数;第八处,把"take care of"改为"takes care of"~"always"只表示一般的情况,故用一般现在时+第三人称单数;第九处,"daily hard work"改为"daily hard working"~"hard working"习惯用法。 呃,看起来有问题的句子还有点多,不过要多加练习,不要怕错,这样就能写好作文!相信自己!!
1、I am 21 years old today---I am 21 years old this year(now)
2、My father in a working station---My father works in a station
3、My mother is a company 's accounting---My mother is an accountant of a company
4、her work very tired----her work is very tired
5、but she insisted------but she insisteing
6、she liked watching movies on the Internet------she likes watching movies on the Internet
7、 she always take care of we are one family life-----she always take care of us for we are one family
There are three people in my family: my father, my mother and me. My name is Ye Dan. I am a 21-year-old student now. I like surfing the Internet and shopping. My father works in a working station. He is 49 years old this year. He likes reading novels online. My mother is an accounting of a company . She is 46 years old this year. Her job is a very tiring one, but she persists in it. She likes watching movies on the Internet. She always takes care of us. I love my mom and Dad, because their daily hard work is all for me, so I want to be a good child.
(全文的单复数很混乱,不知道你想说一个的还是想说一类的。后面的你自己看看吧) 都对吧,没看出有什么错 别误人子弟啦!问题挺多的,最



My dad is a tall and handsome middle-aged man. He has big eyes and short hair.He is a bus driver . He is strict with me all the time, but when I finished my homework, he'd be glad to take me out to play. Most important of all, he loves me and mom very much.Of course, I love my dad very much. 我爸爸是位又高又帅的中年人。他长着大大的眼睛和短发。他是一个巴士司机。爸爸总是对我很严格,但只要我写完作业他就会很乐意带我出去玩儿。最重要的是爸爸很爱很爱我和妈妈。当然,我也很爱我的爸爸。


Why not go to West Hill for a picnic this Sunday ? Sure!rn Xiaoxiao and me are going to West Hill for a picnic this Sunday .rn Xiaoxiao will take something to eat ,such as hamburgers. I like to take something to drink ,such as apple juice .rn How nice the picnic was!rn请指教!
改为will be
take with 不能take直接加某物
Xiaoxiao will take with something to eat
I like to take with something to drink ,such as apple juice
such as表列举一般后面都是2个以上,多举一点例子更好啦
like to do 和like doing

to do强调一次性喜欢
doing 强调一直喜欢
故笔者的to do 无误
复杂点的表达That will be a picnic which is full of joy ,I think.
简单的,That will be a very joyful picnic,I think
这一句" I like to take something to drink "改成“I like taking something to drink.”
I think that a very joyful picnic!
文章标题: 请问我的这篇英语作文差在哪些地方
文章地址: http://www.xdqxjxc.cn/zuowen/157722.html

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