时间: 2022-10-23 12:00:19 | 来源: 喜蛋文章网 | 编辑: admin | 阅读: 112次
Dear Mrs.Jones:
Sorry to brother,i am Jim Jackson from the Heat company.I’m sorry for the trouble and inconvenience caused to you due to my fault.According to our contact, I should have helped you install the central heating system yesterday.But I couldn’t install it on time because I remembered the wrong date. I apologize again for my oversight.In order to compensate, I promise to work on overtime to insall it for you before the end of the working day.If you agree with my remedial measures, you can communicate with me by email at any time.
Sorry for the inconvenience to your life.
Best woshes
Jim Jackson
语言教学 | 哈佛大学写作教学系列集合
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语言教学 | 普渡大学写作教学系列集合
1. 开门鉴赏,说明写信目的,真诚道歉
2. 说明道歉的合理原因并提出弥补措施或解决办法;
3. 再次表示道歉,请求谅解
1. I feel awfully/terribly sorry about it and want to explain my reasons to you.
2. I’m wiring to offer/express/convey my deep apologies for...
3. It is much to my regret that I can’t ...
4. I sincerely hope you will understand my choice and accept my apology.
5. I’m awfully sorry for the sudden change of the plan and feel it a great pity to miss the opportunity (to do sth).
6. We planned to... unfortunately, I can’t make it. I’m writing to express/convey my heartfelt/deepest apology.
7. I’m writing to express/convey my heartfelt/deepest apology to you that I won’t be able to do sth.
8. I am sorry for my not being able to attend your party due to the fact that I was unexpectedly informed of ...
9. I sincerely hope you can accept my apology and understand me. I appreciate your early reply.
10. Once again, I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused.
1) I am chosen to represent our school to take part in the English debate competition with an America high school, which, you know, is of great importance to me, for I have always been dreaming to have a chance like this to improve my spoken English. As a result, I have no choice but to say sorry to you.
2) The reason is that my younger brother broke his leg the other day and my parents are on a business trip now. As a result, I have no choice but to take care of him.
1) Shall we put it off till this Sunday morning? We can go earlier so that we will have more time to read and chose books.
2) Shall we put it off till this Sunday morning? We can set out earlier so that we will have plenty of time to read and select books, if it is convenient for you.
3) I would appreciate it if you allow me to fix another time. Will you be available this Sunday morning? If so, we can set out earlier so that we will have plenty of time to read and select books.
1. 表示歉意;
2. 说明原因;
3. 另约时间。
Dear Bob,
I’m sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon. I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon. I hope the change won’t cause you too much trouble.
Shall we go on Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we’ll have more time to read and select books. If it’s convenient for you, let’s meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I should be available any time after school next week.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
Dear Bob,
I’m sorry to say that I might have no choice but to break my promise of going to the book store with you. I have just been informed that our class is going to hold an important meeting on Saturday afternoon——exactly the time we shall meet. What an awful coincidence! I feel so sorry about it.
Now that I’m not able to be present on time, shall we choose another time? I’ll be available any time after the meeting. Will Sunday morning suits your convenience? If so, we can meet then and I’m sure we will have a good time together.
I make an apology again for not going to the book store with you as promised. I sincerely wish we can have fun next time.
Li Hua.
假如你是李华,作为交换生(an exchange student)正在英国Windmill College学习。今天早上你骑车上学时不小心刮擦到了一辆停在路边的汽车。由于急着上学,你无法在原地等候车主,请留一张便条。
2. 简述事情经过;
3. 道歉并表示愿意赔偿;
4.联系方式(Tel:5893671, E-mail:lihua@windmillco.org)。
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m Li Hua, an exchange student from China, studying at Windmill College. I’m so sorry that my bike scratched your car accidentallywhen I was riding to school this morning. I understand it will certainlyput you in a very bad mood. I sincerely apologize for what I did and promise I will cover all the relevant costs/expenses. As school will start soon, I can’t wait on the scene/spot for you. Please feel free to contact me at 5893671 or lihua@windmillco.org.
Many apologies again for all the inconvenience I’ve caused you.
Best regards.
Li Hua
— END —
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