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弱弱问一句,专八作文,自己观点是double-edged sword, 是不是10分以下

时间: 2021-08-04 02:58:29 | 来源: 喜蛋文章网 | 编辑: admin | 阅读: 90次

弱弱问一句,专八作文,自己观点是double-edged sword, 是不是10分以下


Love in university campus, we have It is quite common for.
First of all, I want to say about the situation of College Students' love.
1, love is the age of small, popular from the start;
2, love the open, and in high school, now we all love your male (female) friends toreveal to the public, countries allow college students to get married, how can so many school tube;
3, the low survival rate of increase of love, tragedy. Due to the lack of economic foundation and a qualitative University future, love marriage low probability. Some students can not deal with academic and love relationship, love first, increasedweariness, truancy phenomenon, serious can't even graduate, delayed his bright future. Also some social experience shallow, the psychology bearing capacity is weak, and expectations are high, easy impulse, once the romance or hit, often caused the tragedy of love. Hurt each other with the Dutch act; have;schizophrenia is earthly, Poguanposhuai; aversion to also have. Therefore, we need a rational understanding of love in the university.
I have to say about the advantages and disadvantages of College Students' love.Individually, love has a promoting effect on young heart mature, some psychologists say, love is a late adolescence and early adulthood, the most important event, only through love, people will truly mature. However, the meaning of love is a positive side, sometimes harm youth mental health. The love of the ups and downs caused change radically the psychological pressure to bear, one can imagine, all of you present here some people must also have experience of Sen.
College Students' love is a double-edged sword, has both advantages, and disadvantages. We should let its beneficial effects become larger, adverse effectsto a minimum.
My thoughts are deep into you . From the moment that I wake up . And to the whole day through A better love I couldn't ask for. With your sweet and gently way. And knowing that your love for me. Grows more everyday In all that I do. I hope you're as happy with me. As I am with youIhave already fall in love with you You are my sunshine,you are my life


(Specify your problem here) is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s society as we can see it almost everywhere. 翻译:(描述您的问题,用名词或者动名词)是当今社会最严重的问题之一,因为我们几乎在每个地方都能见到。
Although more and more people are inclined to (sth/ doing sth), there are still some who hold the opposite view/opinion. They may think/ they believe that (opposite opinions here). 翻译:尽管越来越多的人倾向于(某事或做某事,这里用名词或动名词),仍然有不少人持反对观点。他们认为(这里写反对观点,写一句完整的句子)
everything is a double-edged sword, which will bring advantages and disadvantages.
放在开头, 任何事都是一把双刃剑,会带来好处和坏处。
All in all, we can safely draw a conclusion that...
总的来说, 我们可以总结一个结论就是...

1 When it comes to .... , some people bielive that ....... Others argue that the opposite is true . There is probably some truth in both arguements/statements , but (I tend to the profer/latter ...)
2 "Knowledge is power(名言slogen)." such is the remark made by Bacon(作者).This remark has been shared by more and more people .
坚持学就行了,快的话需要人引导和语言环境撒,那才找英语辅导中心~ ABC先下在线口语、Hkknow英语、意格英语、E x say英语课程挺有.好.针对性的,1对1外教辅导真的有明显效果。我的专四、专八全凭这一套写作,绝对实用、简单 In recent years,、、、(指出某种现象、话题)。When it comes to ts issue, naturally opinions differ from person to person,some people agree with the idea that....(一种观点),wle others claim that...(另一种观点).There is probably some truth in both arguments.However,personally I hold the opinion that... (你的观点)。The following reasons can account for my preference. To start with,...(理由1) Further more,(理由) Finally,...(理由) Taking all the above mentioned reasons into consideration ,I may reasonably draw the conclusion that(你的观点或结论)。
你这太笼统了 模板也分很多类型的


1如果我要成为一个记者,我必须学会写故事和学好汉语,所以我必须付出努力2我相信我一定会成为一个最优秀的记者。3凤城人民很友好,如果你来度假,一定会让你满意4*(作文)谈谈你对网络的看法(初1水平,70-80词)5 (作文)失物招领和寻物启事(30-40词,要求格式正确,最好是初一上的朋友帮忙写下,我忘记格式了)P.S.不要怪我,我是被逼的,不是我懒,是老师提前返校弄的没有时间作文(4)不要用太多生词 最好给汉语翻译 求求大家了希望大家多多用心 要求无语法拼写错误 尤其是生词 希望英语高手帮帮我(再次求求大家) 川资奉上 好的话多加分啊
1 If I want to be a reporter, I must learn to write the story and learn Chinese, so I must work.
2 I believe I will be a the best reporters.
3 FengCheng people's very friendly, if you come to a holiday, will make you satisfied.
4 My Concepts on Internet
Internet may have been one of the most influential but disputable existences in the world, ever since its first appearance in the late 1960s. Internet has accelerated the world’s development with an incredible speed; nevertheless, it has brought this world many burdens. Nowadays, nobody can imagine what the world will be without this double-edged sword.
5 The lost and found and found content partners
I lost my book, this book is very important, who picked up please send to the lost and found office, I have heavy xie!
- -。开学你要他干什么
文章标题: 弱弱问一句,专八作文,自己观点是double-edged sword, 是不是10分以下
文章地址: http://www.xdqxjxc.cn/zuowen/118197.html
文章标签:一句  作文  观点  弱弱问  edged