以 我对物流的认识 为题,写一篇英语短文
第一,物流是指为了满足客户的需求,以最低的成本,通过运输、保管、配送等方式,实现原材料、半成品、成品或相关信息进行由商品的产地到商品的消费地的计划、实施和管理的全过程, 物流是由物体的运输、配送、仓储、包装、搬运装卸、流通加工,以及相关的物流信息等环节构成的。物流活动的具体内容包括以下几个方面:用户服务、需求预测、定单处理、配送、存货控制、运输、仓库管理、工厂和仓库的布局与选址、搬运装卸、采购、包装、情报信息。
第三:物流中的“物”是物质资料世界中同时具备物质实体特点和可以进行物理性位移的那一部分物质资料,“流”是物理性运动,这种运动有其限定的含义,就是以地球为参照系,相对于地球而发生的物理性运动,称之为"位移",流的范围可以是地理性的大范围,也可以是在同一地域 物流
谢谢听众。 My friends, the following is my understanding: for logistics
First, logistics means to satisfy the needs of customers, with the lowest cost, transportation, storage and distribution by means such as raw materials, semi-finished products, achieve correlative information, products or by the location to commodities consumption to the planning, implementation and management of the whole process of an object that logistics is the transportation, distribution, storage, packaging, transportation and handling, circulation processing, and related logistic information such as link form. The logistics activity concrete contents include the following aspects: the user service, the demand forecast, order processing, distribution and inventory control, transportation, warehouse management, factories and warehouse layout and location, handling handling, procurement, packaging, intelligence information.
Second: in our national standard "the definition of logistics term" points out that: logistics is from supplier to receive items to entity according to actual needs, flow process, transportation, storage, loading and unloading, handling, carrying, packaging, circulation processing, distribution and information processing basic functions implementing the organic union.
Third: the "content" of logistics is the material material world along with material object characteristics and can carry out physical displacement of that part of material goods, "flow" is physical sports, this movement has its limit, that is in the earth the meaning of relative to the earth, for reference and happen physical exercise, called "displacement", flow can range is ground rational large area, also can be in the same regional logistics
And the same environment the micro motion, on a small scale, "the thing" and displacement of the combination of "flow", is an established on the basis of the natural movement, the senior forms of exercise is connected with each other in economic purpose and material between, between the military purposes and material, even in a social purpose and physical, looking for the movement rule between. Therefore, logistics is not only under the condition of the limit "the thing" and "flow" combination, but more important is, is limited to military, economic and social conditions, the combination from the military, economic and social Angle to observe things transportation, and achieve some military, economic, and social demands.
Thanks for the audience.
物流(logistics)是指利用现代信息技术和设备,实现合理化服务模式和先进的服务流程。物流是随商品生产的出现而出现,随商品生产的发展而发展,所以物流 是一种古老的传统的经济活动。
物流管理科学是近一二十年以来在国外兴起的一门新学科,它是管理科学的新的重要分支。随着生产技术和管理技术的提高,企业之间的竞争日趋激烈,人们逐渐发现,企业在降低生产成本方面的竞争似乎已经走到了尽头,产品质量的好坏也仅仅是一个企业能否进入市场参加竞争的敲门砖。这时,竞争的焦点开始从生产领域转向非生产领域,转向过去那些分散、孤立的,被视为辅助环节而不被重视的,诸如运输、存储、包装、装卸、流通加工等物流活动领域。人们开始研究如何在这些领域里降低物流成本,提高服务质量, 创造"第三个利润源泉"。 物流管理从此从企业传统的生产和销售活动中分离出来,成为独立的研究领域和学科范围。物流管理科学的诞生使得原来在经济活动中处于潜隐状态的物流系统显现出来,它揭示了物流活动的各个环节的内在联系,它的发展和日臻完善,是现代企业在市场竞争中制胜的法宝。
文章标题: 对物流的理解与认识作文500字
文章地址: http://www.xdqxjxc.cn/zuowen/110524.html