时间: 2021-04-07 14:47:14 | 作者:Yuki教你学英语 | 来源: 喜蛋文章网 | 编辑: admin | 阅读: 115次
Guided Writing: 当代社会,广告随处可见,形式多样。请描述一则你喜欢的广告,并且谈谈这则广告对你的影响或给你的启示。
In contemporary society, various advertisements can be seen here and there, among which a public service advertisement never fails to fascinate me. The advertisement vividly revealed an abandoned spot, where trees were all withering and the ground was frighteningly cracking. Hopeless chimpanzees, white bears and kangaroos ended their lives in a heartbreaking and cruel way, making the earth a desperate place. When the picture where “You give up, they give up” emerged, I was deeply shocked and moved.
We can no longer keep ourselves out of the environmental crisis, which may lead to the extinction of all creatures. The earth is becoming increasingly fragile and can hardly endure any further destruction. Only by attaching sufficient importance and taking effective measures can we save our dying earth. What we, ordinary people, can do is to drive less private cars, cut the unnecessary use of electricity and recycle the useful rubbish. Many a little, as the saying goes, works a miracle. I tend to believe that with our joint efforts, such dreadful scene in the advertisement will never occur in our real life.
Taking what has been stated above into account, we are supposed to take immediate action to save both the earth and ourselves.
(205 words,谈同学,高考133)
The prosperity of various new media and new technologies has witnessed a boom in advertising. There are now a great many creative and cool advertisements, while what impressed me most is the one called Dream Rangers, produced by the Public Bank of Taiwan.
In the 3-minute advertisement, 5 old dream rangers of an average age of 81, however, had a dream of 18. Despite their illnesses including cancer, heart diseases and poor listening, these old knights don't hesitate to pursue their joint dream of motoring around Taiwan.
With touching images and carefully-selected music, the advertisement moves hundreds of thousands of people. I get inspired to pursue our dreams regardless of who we are. Besides, as Nike's slogan illustrates, action should be taken to make it come true, especially when we are young and energetic.
A good advertisement doesn't necessarily require sophisticated shooting skills, but it's able to touch the viewers with the life philosophies it implies. What the video “Dream Rangers” would like to convey is to seize the day, take action, stay young and never stop our pursuit for the dream. It's our persistence in dreams that makes we us ordinary people extraordinary.
(194 words,褚同学,高考138)
专注初高中英语教学; 传授英语学习必杀技; 最精最全英语词汇体系; 生动清晰语法解析;
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