迈克尔 乔丹曾说过的名言 最经典的有哪些?
i have been trusted for many winning gamers and losers迈克尔乔丹说过的名言
8、每个人心中都有极限,他可能是你的榜样,你的对手,甚至,他就是你自己。 面对他,挑战他,超越他。 每一次跨越都是突破一个难以想象的极限; 每一次新生都要经历一段不为人知的黑暗。 涅槃过后,就是新我。
11、I can accept defeat but could not accept to give up .我可以接受失败,但不能接受放弃.
12、step by step , I can not see any other way of accomplishing anything.-步-步地走,
14、我不是为了钱。我甚至不在乎是否得到一文钱的报酬。几年来我-直这么.... .我打篮球只是出于对这项运动的热爱。
if i could fly i would catch the sky
Air Jordan. He has given all the audience a flying image.
\"I\'m not walking into this scenario thinking I\'m failing. I\'m
walking in thinking I\'m confident and pretty sure that I can
make it work. If I sit here and listened to everyone else
tell me that I can\'t do it, then obviously I wouldn\'t be
\"When I step out on to the basketball court, I consider
myself to be the best basketball player I can be. I have
total confidence that once I step on the basketball court
that I can do all the things that I\'m capable of doing.\"
\"Physically, I know that I\'m not 25 years old. I\'m not
stepping up and saying I will be 25 years old when I step on
that court, but I feel like I can play the game of basketball
at the highest level, and that\'s what I aim to do.\"
\"I come from where you\'re expected to dominate and you are
the target - everybody\'s shooting at you. Well, here, no
one\'s expecting anything, so I\'m kind of coming from the
underdog aspect of things, which is kind of different, but
yet it\'s fresh, it\'s new. We\'re not expected to win 50 games.
From what I hear from most of you guys, we\'re not expected to
win 30 games. And that\'s a challenge. I\'m not coming in with
these preconceived ideas that we\'re going to be 50-32. I\'ll
be totally surprised if we\'re 50-32, but I think we can be
far better than 19-63.\"
\"I am going to have to be patient and let things fall into
place and not expect myself to come out and score 40 or 50
points the first night. I\'m just going to try to work my way
back into the intensity of the game.\"
\"If that was my concern, I wouldn\'t do this. I\'m not afraid
to take on a challenge. I\'m not afraid to take a step. If I
fall, I fall, pick myself up and move on.\"
\"I\'m all about challenges and seeing if I can go out and see
if I can achieve something. If at the end of the day I do it,
great. If I don\'t, I can live with myself.\"
\"Everybody was so negative about what I was trying to do. If
I read every newspaper about negative things that I was
trying to do, I swear I wouldn\'t live in America. America\'s
supposed to be the free will to do whatever you choose, do
whatever you want to do. That\'s all I\'m doing. I\'m not
committing a crime here. I\'m just trying to play a game of
basketball. What if I\'m tired of playing YMCAs or the Boys
and Girls Clubs? I want to step into the elite competition.
If I can do it, great. If I can\'t, that\'s great, too. But you
can\'t take my six championships away.\"
\"I\'m not about the money. I don\'t care if I get paid a dime.
I\'ve said that many years. I\'m going to play the game of
basketball because I love it.\"
\"The young dogs are going to chase me around. Well, I\'m not
going to bark too far away from them, either. I\'m not running
from nobody. If anything, it\'ll be a great challenge.\"
\"I\'m not saying that I can take Kobe Bryant, that I can take
Tracy McGrady. You guys are the only ones saying that they
can take me. All good and fine. I\'m pretty sure they\'re
sitting back welcoming the challenge. Guess what - I\'m
sitting back welcoming the challenge, too.\"
\"I\'m not walking into the dark. I know what I\'m capable of
doing. I know what\'s going to be expected of me. I know
everybody\'s putting my head on the block. Everybody\'s
motivated to come out and play against me. Everybody\'s
motivated to come out and play against me. Well, everybody
was motivated to play against me when I left. So things
haven\'t changed.\"
if i could fly i would catch the sky
Air Jordan. He has given all the audience a flying image.
\"I\'m not walking into this scenario thinking I\'m failing. I\'m
walking in thinking I\'m confident and pretty sure that I can
make it work. If I sit here and listened to everyone else
tell me that I can\'t do it, then obviously I wouldn\'t be
\"When I step out on to the basketball court, I consider
myself to be the best basketball player I can be. I have
total confidence that once I step on the basketball court
that I can do all the things that I\'m capable of doing.\"
\"Physically, I know that I\'m not 25 years old. I\'m not
stepping up and saying I will be 25 years old when I step on
that court, but I feel like I can play the game of basketball
at the highest level, and that\'s what I aim to do.\"
\"I come from where you\'re expected to dominate and you are
the target - everybody\'s shooting at you. Well, here, no
one\'s expecting anything, so I\'m kind of coming from the
underdog aspect of things, which is kind of different, but
yet it\'s fresh, it\'s new. We\'re not expected to win 50 games.
From what I hear from most of you guys, we\'re not expected to
win 30 games. And that\'s a challenge. I\'m not coming in with
these preconceived ideas that we\'re going to be 50-32. I\'ll
be totally surprised if we\'re 50-32, but I think we can be
far better than 19-63.\"
\"I am going to have to be patient and let things fall into
place and not expect myself to come out and score 40 or 50
points the first night. I\'m just going to try to work my way
back into the intensity of the game.\"
\"If that was my concern, I wouldn\'t do this. I\'m not afraid
to take on a challenge. I\'m not afraid to take a step. If I
fall, I fall, pick myself up and move on.\"
\"I\'m all about challenges and seeing if I can go out and see
if I can achieve something. If at the end of the day I do it,
great. If I don\'t, I can live with myself.\"
\"Everybody was so negative about what I was trying to do. If
I read every newspaper about negative things that I was
trying to do, I swear I wouldn\'t live in America. America\'s
supposed to be the free will to do whatever you choose, do
whatever you want to do. That\'s all I\'m doing. I\'m not
committing a crime here. I\'m just trying to play a game of
basketball. What if I\'m tired of playing YMCAs or the Boys
and Girls Clubs? I want to step into the elite competition.
If I can do it, great. If I can\'t, that\'s great, too. But you
can\'t take my six championships away.\"
\"I\'m not about the money. I don\'t care if I get paid a dime.
I\'ve said that many years. I\'m going to play the game of
basketball because I love it.\"
\"The young dogs are going to chase me around. Well, I\'m not
going to bark too far away from them, either. I\'m not running
from nobody. If anything, it\'ll be a great challenge.\"
\"I\'m not saying that I can take Kobe Bryant, that I can take
Tracy McGrady. You guys are the only ones saying that they
can take me. All good and fine. I\'m pretty sure they\'re
sitting back welcoming the challenge. Guess what - I\'m
sitting back welcoming the challenge, too.\"
\"I\'m not walking into the dark. I know what I\'m capable of
doing. I know what\'s going to be expected of me. I know
everybody\'s putting my head on the block. Everybody\'s
motivated to come out and play against me. Everybody\'s
motivated to come out and play against me. Well, everybody
was motivated to play against me when I left. So things
haven\'t changed.\"
I can accept failure, I can't accept not try.
if i fall, i fall, pick myself up and move on.
最常见的还有i love this game!
I believe I can fly
迈克尔乔丹名言there is no i in team,but in win完整的是什么呀
乔丹的教练说:there is no 'I' in team.
乔丹的回答是:but in win. ( but there is an 'i' in win.)
从字面上直译,指字母i 不在team中,在win单词中有i这个字母。
There's no "I" in Team but there is in Win.= theres no I in team but there IS an I in WIN!
There's no "I" in Team but there is in Win 就是原话
文章标题: 飞人乔丹有啥名言
文章地址: http://www.xdqxjxc.cn/renshenggeyan/152826.html